Category Archives: e-Lite

Exun e-Lite 2016

The e-Lite 2016 Creative Event Prelims were held online on 31 July 2016. The qualifiers are as follows:

Note: The results are in no particular order.

  • Aaryak Garg (9 – G)
  • Saif Ahmad (9 – G)
  • Anirudh Chauhan (10 – A)
  • Shinjini Harisukh (7 – K)
  • Arnav Singh (11 – K)
  • Saksham Arora (11 – K)
  • Tarun Patra (10 – H)
  • Arunim Gupta (10 – H)
  • Ashvin Verma (7-K)
  • Amitoj Singh (11 – R)
  • Divyam Gupta (11 – J)
  • Aryan Gupta (11 – J)

The Creative Event Finals will be held somewhere around next week; you will be notified regarding the date, time, and venue as soon as we decide the date.

Congratulations to all those who made it to the finals!

Exun e-Lite 2016 Prelim Results

Exun Clan’s induction test, e-Lite 2016 had it’s preliminary round held on 20th July 2016. The preliminary results of the respective events are given below.

Junior Quiz Qualifiers

  • Angad Singh (VII-C) and Vinayak Pachnanda (VII-A)
  • Armaan Singh (VIII-E) and Vinayak Aggarwal (VIII-E)
  • Ashvin Verma (VII-K) and Ashay Srivastava (VII-I)
  • Anmol Singh (VIII-B) and Turrag Dewan (VIII-B)
  • Shivansh Bhatnagar (VI-G)
  • Garv Jain (VII-I) and Vansh Jain (VII-I)
  • Ishir Bhardwaj (VIII-A) and Somesh Kar (VIII-G) [Non Competitive Exun Members]

Crossword Qualifiers

  • Vedant Singh (XI-F) and Aneesh Gupta (XI-F)
  • Advaya Gupta (XI-J) and Aditya Bansal (XI-J)
  • Dev Kala (X-D) and Dev Priya (X-D)
  • Raghav Runga (X-C) and Dhairya Sethi (X-J)
  • Angad Singh (VII-C) and Vinayak Pachnanda (VII-A)
  • Tarun Patra (X-H) and Aditya Vikram Singh (X-H)
  • Gursher Ahuja (X-F) [Non Competitive Exun Member]

Senior Quiz Qualifiers

  • Aaryak Garg (IX-G) and Aditya Batra (IX-G)
  • Ashma Pandya (X-K) and Punya Gupta (X-K)
  • Baibhav Vatsa (XI-I) and Aryaman Singh (XI-I)
  • Aditya Singh (IX-J) and Archit Gupta (IX-D)
  • Ritik Keswani (XI-F) and Tanmay Gupta (XI-L)
  • Himanshu Kr. Jain (XI-I) and Maitreya Singh (XI-I)
  • Kabir Goel (IX-I) and Gursher Ahuja (X-F) [Non Competitive Exun Members]
  • Sudhanshu Agarwal (XI-F) and Anshuman Dixit (XI-F) [Non Competitive Exun Members]

Group Discussion Qualifiers

  • Aditya Shankar
  • Angad Singh (VII-C)
  • Isha Arora (X-K)
  • Raj Bakshi
  • Aditya Joshi (IX-A)
  • Nishkarsh Srivastava (IX-L)
  • Himanshu Kumar Jain (XI-I)
  • Raunaq Sharma (XI-U)

Hardware Qualifiers

  • Aditya Singh (IX-J) and Zuber Kishore Ajwani (IX-J)
  • Aaryak Garg (IX-G) and Upamany Das (IX-I)
  • Karan Handa (IX-K) and Aravind Ashok (IX-L)
  • Ashna Pandya (X-K) and Punya Gupta (X-K)

Results for Junior and Senior Programming will be out shortly. Results are listed in no particular order.

Congratulations to all the qualifiers!

Exun e-Lite 2015

The Exun Clan presents Exun e-Lite 2015, Exun’s annual recruitment event open to all students from classes 6th to 11th. The event details are as follows :

  • Quiz If you have a brain that relentlessly collects tidbits of knowledge of the tech world, ever ready to work your neural networks and conjure an answer out of the blue, then quizzing is for you!
    • Eligibility – Senior (9th – 11th) , Junior (6th – 8th)
    • Participants per team: Up to 2
  • Hardware If you take apart every device you can get your hands on, and are the go-to guy whenever your friends need to buy a new phone or laptop, then power up your cores and overclock that grey matter because hardware and benchmarking is the perfect event for you!
    • Eligibility – 9th – 11th
    • Participants per team: Up to 2
  • Crossword If you can draw connections between the randomest of things, and if you are a king or queen of puns with a good knowledge of the tech world, then nothing will give you greater joy than our crossword event!
    • Eligibility – 9th – 11th
    • Participants per team: Up to 2

    The top 6 teams in the junior quiz prelims will qualify to the junior quiz finals. The preliminary round for the senior quiz, hardware and crossword events will be on a single paper. The top 6 teams in the hardware section alone will qualify to the hardware finals, the top 6 teams in the crossword section alone will qualify to the crossword finals, and the top 6 teams overall, in the entire paper, will qualify to the senior quiz finals.

  • Creative Event: Digital Imaging If design is what you are absolutely passionate about; if you inevitably find yourself browsing through websites like Dribbble and Behance, then the Digital Imaging event is the place to be. We present e-Lite as an opportunity to harness your inherent creativity with the help of amazing software.
    • Eligibility – 6th – 11th
    • Individual Event


  • Creative Event: Web Design For those of you who inspect each and every element on each and every web page you come across in order to analyse what lies behind the scenes; for those of you who judge organisations by the how beautiful their websites look, we present e-Lite as an opportunity to show to us your creativity and skills.
    • Eligibility – 6th – 11th
    • Individual Event
  • Creative Event: Audio-Video If you imagine Head-Up Displays while day dreaming in class or are particularly inspired by the magical technology that can make Transformers seem real – get ready to animate text and shapes into something that makes an impact. We present e-Lite as an opportunity to show to us how you create videos and manipulate sounds into pieces of art that make audiences stand up and applaud.
    • Eligibility – 6th – 11th
    • Individual Event
  • Programming Make sure to include all your header files as you make your way through two rounds of intense logical stimulation and puzzles that will leave you bamboozled.
    • Eligibility – Senior (9th – 11th) , Junior (6th – 8th)
    • Individual Eventtl

    No prior knowledge of programming is required for the preliminary rounds of the Programming event and therefore, if you think you’re good at solving puzzles and can work your way around patterns and sequences, then, have a crack at the paper, you must! Participants shall be required to qualify a logic-based written prelim round following which they shall face a grueling onsite final.

  • Group Discussion Quick-thinking, confidence and coherence backed up by statistical data and facts ensure heated debates and discussions about topics that will be given on the spot. Make your point and accommodate other’s opinions to come out at the top!
    • Eligibility – 8th – 10th
    • Individual Event

You can register now, here. The Onsite Events will be held through two days, i.e., Thursday, 9th July, 2015 and Friday, 10th July 2015

Below is the schedule for e-Lite 2015 (Click to enlarge)


Creative Event Preliminary Round

Preliminary round entries will be judged by alumni and the best few entrants will be part of a final round which will take place at school.

Here is the preliminary prompt for e-Lite 2015’s Creative Event:

Please note that participation is strictly individual. Team entries will not be considered. An FAQ section with complete details on the event has been included in the prompt, but please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any questions or queries you may have, or if you wish to use a software program not listed in the prompt.

e-Lite 2014 Creative Event Results

The following students have successfully cleared the final round of Exun Clan’s Creative Event; They’re requested to reach the eGuruKul Lab on Thursday, 23rd July 2014:

Name Class – Section
Sana Gujral XI-L
Rohan Dhar IX-H
Vishrut Malik VIII-A
Tanmay Bansal X-I

Congratulations to all the winners!

E-lite 2014 Programming Senior Finals Solutions Part1

Here is the editorial for the Senior Programming Finals. The contest can be found here

Problem1. Odd
This was a straightforward question. Only perfect square numbers have an odd number of factors. Though this can be seen by observation(and is sufficient for solving this problem), you may want to know how we formally prove this:
Assume that there is a perfect square N. Let A be the set of natural numbers which are strictly smaller than floor(square_root(N)) . Let B be the set of natural numbers derived form A such that for every element(a) belonging to A there is a corresponding element N/a in . The sets A and B do not intersect since if they did, a=N/a => a^2=N => a is the square root of N, but the square root of N does not belong to set A and we have a contradiction. Since these sets do not intersect, the total number of factors of N is 2*k + 1(where k is the number of elements in A, and 1 extra factor is the square root of N). Thus, N had an odd number of factors.
So, we need to output the sum of the first N perfect squares(where N was given in the problem) modulo M. The formula for that is N*(N+1)*(2*N+1)/6.
Some of you had a problem outputting the answer modulo 10^9 + 7.  This is where language matters : python can easily handle large numbers and you could have just done (print ans % M) to get your solution accepted. Its different with C++ however since there can be overflows while handling large numbers, You can read more about modulo operations here. Another common mistake was using x^y over pow(x,y):  x^y does not mean x raised to power y in C++, it means x XOR y.

Problem2. Walk Over Me
This is a classic Dynamic Programming problem. First of all you would need to figure out the intersection points, since the arrays are sorted this can be done in linear time. After this is done, the recurrence is simple,
maxSum(i) = max_(over all intersections j<i){ maxSum(j) + branchSum(j..i) }
For the people who got interviewed, the above recurrence is what I wanted as an answer: when we are given the optimal solutions to 1..i-1, we can find the optimal solution to i using the above recurrence.

Problem3. Mad Scientist
This was a tough problem to solve if you are not familiar with graphs. Unfortunately, some people jumped to this problem without attempting the first one(!). How you choose the problems pretty much decides how well you do in a programming contest.
For each pair of chemicals which can react, we add an edge in the graph. Once we have this information in a graph, we can find the “connected components” of this graph. When two chemicals are in a connected component, it basically means there is a sequence of links by which one can reach one of the chemicals starting from the other. For example, if A reacts with B, B reacts with C, and A reacts with D, then A,B,C,D form a connected component. Note that the order of adding chemicals within a connected component does not matter, the final power after adding all the chemicals is always initialPower * 2^(Size of Component – 1). So, the solution is to form the graph and then report the answer as 2^(V-number of  distinct connected components).

Problem4. Non Zero
This was an AdHoc implementation problem. Going from the left, maintain a counter recording the position of the last zero. Whenever a nonZero element is seen, swap that element with the element at counter, and increment the counter. I think the above is better understood by some code:


Problem 6. Knights
This was a relatively hard graph problem. Consider the N*N squares on the (chess?)board as vertices. Then find the shortest distance between each pair of vertices. I used Breadth First Search to do this. The running time of this step is O(N4). Floyd-Warshall is not recommended here, since the graph is relatively sparse, and using it will cause solutions to time out. Then we wish to find the optimal point for the knights to gather at, and the total distance they need to travel to get there. For this, we iterate over each of the N*N candidate points and for each candidate point, we sum the distance each knight would need to travel to get to that point. Then we find and print the minimum value among the so-calculated distance sums of each point. The running time of this step is O(N2*M), which simplifies to O(N4) for lazy implementations, like my own. The total running time is hence O(N4).